Rockwool Ceiling

Consider a house. It provides fuel possession with special insulation and it’s security against earthquake is really high thanks to light steel system. Duplex villas, heated with less than 70 TL per month even before the natural gas system, lose only 1 degree of heat in 24 hours at -3 degrees of temperature even without any heating system.

Even more, you can take your keys and start living there only after three months later than it’s construction starts. Light steel buildings whose weight amount per meter square is less than %5 of concrete buildings, provides the owners a real safety. The special isolation system that is used at light steel buildings makes the living even more cheaper. The walls of these buildings are isolated both from inside and from outside. The jacketing system with rockwool is used inside of walls as well. So, it makes it possible to live there even with the minus degree of temperatures even without the heat loss.